For thousands of years, God’s people have been practicing traditions of faith. One of those being the rite of passage into “adulthood in the faith”. In the Jewish tradition, it’s called the Bar Mitzvah. For Methodists, the tradition of Confirmation goes back to the very beginning of the Methodist movement itself in the mid-18th century. The idea behind confirmation is that teens …
God Sightings
A few years ago during VBS, kids and leaders were challenged to look for “God Sightings” each day. A “God Sighting” is when you see or experience God. Listening to everyone share their “God Sightings” that week had such a positive impact on me that I continued looking for them long after VBS ended. One of my favorite places for “God …
The Power of Presence
Grief is one of the hardest things we face as human beings. Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the sacred privilege of sitting with families in the depths of that pain. Each situation has been unique. One had been long expected. Another was the culmination of a long and difficult struggle. And one came as a complete shock to …
Memorable Moments
“Remember that time when…” I am a firm believer that relationships are strengthened by memorable moments together. Those stories are what creates a bond between friends. And I’m willing to admit something… not a lot of those stories happen sitting in church or on the couch. They happen during events when you are out of your normal element, and are …
Fall Is Upon Us
Friends, Fall is upon us. This Sunday is the official start of what is for me the most nostalgic season of the year, Autumn. More than any other it indicates to me the passing of time and with it the need to be grateful, introspective and yes sentimental regarding all the years gone by. (It’s also the one time of …
It’s been said that no one likes change except babies in wet diapers. I’m not even sure that’s true—babies often cry quite a bit during the diaper-changing experience! But what is true is that some changes are welcome. A new job, a new car, or a new friendship can bring joy, excitement, and opportunity. These are the kinds of changes …
PTCUMC Staff Updates
Greetings Sisters and Brothers of our “Neighborhood Church” PTCUMC – I am so glad you are part of it! It was a wonderful Labor Day weekend and attendance as we kicked off a new worship series called “UNCERTAIN” – and having “Faith that Hangs Tough.” I appreciate all the positive feedback, and am looking forward to sharing this Sunday’s message …
Sisters and Brothers, can you believe it’s been nearly seven weeks?! I was asked recently if it was my third or fourth Sunday… it was my sixth. Loving it!! Thank you for being such a great church and thank you for continuing to introduce and re-introduce yourselves. I think I’ve surprised some of you by remembering who you were after …
They Are Like Trees
Blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit. – Jeremiah …
Groups Block Party 2024
Hello Neighbors! What a Sunday we’re about to have together! We’ll continue our “Three Simple Questions” theme with, “Why Do People Need Jesus’ Church?” You know church is God’s idea, not ours. It’s “the plan.” There’s no back-up plan. Ever thought of that or had it put that way? Further, and more importantly, church is not a place we go …