Generosity Cards

How Does The Generosity Card Work? Since this is the first year that we have used Estimate of Giving (EOG) Cards, we wanted to provide a summary of how they work. We know this is new to everyone. The first step is a conversation with God (prayer) and a conversation with your household (planning.) Make certain this is where you …

What Do You Treasure Most? (Part 4)

Generosity Sunday is Coming Next Week! Thank you, Church, for traveling this year’s Generosity Journey together! On Sunday, October 27, the entire faith family will be invited to bring forward their 2020 “estimate of giving” cards in worship. Over the last several weeks, we have been placing those blank cards in your hands and explaining how they are to be …

What Do You Treasure Most? (Part 3)

It’s been said that our faith can be characterized as a battle of wills – our self-will versus God’s Will. Personally, I prefer growth language to battle language. My understanding of my faith is “growing in grace.” I have accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior but I know that I am not yet fully formed in the image of Christ as …

What Do You Treasure Most? (Part 2)

I am grateful to God for a faith that invites me to ask that question as one of the guiding lights in my personal spiritual formation. We began a “generosity journey” this last Sunday themed around that very question. What’s a generosity journey? Glad you asked! Through a four-week sermon series in the month of October, we will be drawn …

What Do You Treasure Most?

When my son was little, he and I would often wrestle together on the living room carpet. He can take me with ease these days, but when he was five years old, I had the clear upper hand. I would make a fun game out of it by pretending to get tired and worn down. He would get excited as …

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